
Section header image mobile

With Coefficient's Looker integration, you can easily and securely connect your Looker account and import your data to Google Sheets/Excel. Selecting a Look report or dashboard for your import is quick and simple. You can also use a Looker Explore URL to import data for more in-depth and detailed data analysis.

Creating a Client ID and Secret (For Looker Admins) 

Connecting to Looker

How to Connect Coefficient to Looker: Step-by-Step Guide

Connect as a Looker Admin

Connect as a Non-Looker Admin

Setup Looker OAuth as Requested by a Non-Looker Admin

Import from Looker

Import from Models & Explores

Import from Dashboards & Looks

Import using Explore URL

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

FAQs for Looker Integration

Creating a Client ID and Secret (For Looker Admins)

A Client ID and Secret are required to connect Coefficient to your Looker instance. These credentials can only be created by a Looker Admin. Please share these steps with your Looker Admin to generate your own Client ID and Secret. 

1. From the Looker home page, click "Admin" and scroll down to "Users."

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 10.44.28 PM.png Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 10.45.01 PM.png

2. Click on the user's profile account (anywhere in the highlighted section below).Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 1.25.12 AM copy.png

3. Locate the "API Keys" field and click "Edit Keys.

4. Click the "New API Key" button to generate a new Client ID and Secret for the user selected (Step #2).

5. After the new Client ID and Secret have been generated, share these new credentials with the requestor so they may proceed with their Coefficient connection with Looker. Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 1.33.49 AM.png

ℹ️  NOTE: The API credentials (Client ID and Secret) are tied to a particular Looker user and inherit the roles and permissions for that Looker user. If you want to set custom roles and permissions for a user with Coefficient/Looker, you will need to create a new user in your Looker instance as a “service account”.

Connecting to Looker

When starting a Looker import for the first time, you'll need to complete a few steps to connect Looker as a data source for Coefficient. Whether you're a Looker Admin or a Non-Admin user, there are two ways to set up your Looker data source connection. Let’s explore both options.

If your Database is behind a firewall/private network, you will need to whitelist our (3) IP addresses:



How to Connect Coefficient to Looker: Step-by-Step Guide

Check out the video below for step-by-step guidance on setting up your Looker data source connection.

Connect as a Looker Admin

As a Looker Admin, you can follow the steps below to set up your Looker data source connection and configure OAuth, making it easier for users in your organization to authenticate with their account username and password.

ℹ️  NOTE: To set up your Looker connection as an administrator, Coefficient requires the following details: Client ID, Client Secret, and Base URL. Please refer to this article for guidance on generating your Client ID and Secret in Looker.

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click the Menu.


2. Select “Connected Sources”.


3. Select “Add Connection at the bottom and then “Connect” to Looker.


4. Select the "Yes, I am a Looker Admin" option, then "Next".

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 7.21.14 PM.png

5. Enter your Base URL, Client ID, and Client Secret, then select "Connect".

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 7.23.00 PM.png

ℹ️ PRO TIP: To locate your Client ID and Secret, click the "How to find" links next to each field.

Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 4.24.44 PM.png

6. Choose "Enable OAuth" to allow users in your organization to log in to Looker using their username and password. Users must enter a Client ID and Secret to connect with Looker if this option is not selected. Once ready, click "Authorize" to continue.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 8.33.55 PM.png

7. Log in to your Looker account. Once successfully authenticated, your connection and OAuth setup will be complete. Click "Import Data..." to start creating imports.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 8.45.50 PM.png

OPTIONAL: After successfully establishing the connection, you can share it with your team members who use Coefficient. Don't worry, your credentials will remain secure and private.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 8.44.27 PM.png

Connect as a Non-Looker Admin

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click the Menu.


2. Select “Connected Sources”.


3. Select “Add Connection at the bottom and then “Connect” to Looker.


4. Select the "No, I am not a Looker Admin" option then "Next".

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 8.12.29 PM.png

5. If you have the Client ID and Client Secret, choose the "Yes, I have them" option and click "Next".

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 8.14.05 PM copy.png

5A. Input your Base URL, Client ID, and Client Secret, then click "Connect" to continue.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 7.23.00 PM.png

6. If you don't have the Client ID and Client Secret, select "No, I don't have them" and click "Next" to proceed.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 8.14.05 PM.png

6A. Here, we’ve provided a message you can copy and send to your Looker Admin for assistance connecting to Looker. Click "Copy message and link" to use our template. 

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 8.22.44 PM.png

Sample Message:

Hey, I’ve been using Coefficient to easily work with our company data in Sheets and need your
help connecting to Looker (it requires information that only admins can access). Can you please
help me by entering the information on this page?

Link to enable Looker OAuth configuration

Sample Email:

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 11.12.04 PM.png

Setup Looker OAuth as Requested by a Non-Looker Admin

If you are the Looker Admin for your domain and have received a request from a user to set up their Looker connection, follow the steps below to configure Looker OAuth. This setup will enable users to authenticate using their account username and password.

1. As the Looker Admin, you should have received either the Sample Message or Sample Email (shown below). To proceed, click the provided link ("Link to enable Looker OAuth configuration") or select the "Complete Configuration" button.

Sample Message:

Hey, I’ve been using Coefficient to easily work with our company data in Sheets and need your
help connecting to Looker (it requires information that only admins can access). Can you please
help me by entering the information on this page?

Link to enable Looker OAuth configuration

Sample Email:

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 11.07.50 PM.png

2. Log in using your Google or Microsoft account.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 10.49.23 PM.png

3. Input your Looker Base URL, which can be found in your browser's address bar when logged into your Looker account. Click "Next" to continue. 

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 10.52.06 PM.png

4. In the designated fields below, enter the Client ID and Client Secret from the Looker UI. Click "Connect" to continue.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 10.55.03 PM.png

5. Choose "Enable OAuth" to allow users to log in to Looker using their username and password instead of a Client ID and Secret. Click "Complete Setup" to proceed.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 11.00.13 PM.png

6. If the setup is successful, a confirmation message will appear, and the user will be notified via email that they can now create their Looker connection and authenticate using their account username and password.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 11.00.25 PM.png

Import from Looker

ℹ️ NOTE: When setting up a new Looker import, it may take a few moments to load the data depending on your Looker report(s) size.

Import from Models & Explores

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click the “Import from…” button.


2. Select “Looker” from the list.


3. Select "Models & Explores".


4. Select the Model you wish to import from.

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 6.43.03 AM.png

5. Choose an "Explore" from the available options.

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6.13.39 AM.png

6. The Import Preview window will appear, presenting two options for importing your data: "Pivot" (default) and "Table".

Pivot: This option is set as the default. Here, you can configure fields, columns, and values according to your desired groupings. Add any necessary filters or row limits. Once finished, click on Import.

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 1.11.55 AM.png

Table: This allows you to present the data as rows/columns. Customize this import by selecting fields and adding sorts/filters. Once finished, click on Import.Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 2.14.56 AM.png

7. Congratulations on successfully importing from Models & Explores! Here's how the import will appear using the Pivot (default) option. 🎉

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6.21.40 AM.png

Import from Dashboards & Looks

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click the “Import from…” button.


2. Select “Looker” from the list.


3. Click "Dashboards & Looks" from the options.

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 6.19.43 AM.png

4. The "Import from Looker" window opens, allowing you to select the Looker report you need. If you are importing from a Looker Dashboard, select a tile/dashboard item and then hit "Import". Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 6.04.52 AM.png

5. Congratulations on your successful import from a Look/Dashboard! 🎉Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6.27.06 AM.png

Import using Explore URL

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click the “Import from…” button.


2. Select “Looker” from the list.


3. Click "Explore URL" from the options.

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6.34.47 AM.png

4. Copy the Explore URL from your Looker UI, paste it into the provided box, then click Next. 

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 6.27.37 AM.png

ℹ️  NOTE: Coefficient supports the following forms of looker_explore_url right now:

https://{acct}.looker.com/explore/activity/login?qid={qid_slug}&{other_query_params}  and https://{acct}.looker.com/x/{qid_slug}

5. Congratulations on your successful import from a Looker Explore URL! 🎉 (The tab's name will default to "Looker Explore"; you are welcome to change the name of the tab/import as needed.) ImportfromExploreURLSuccess.png

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

Once you have pulled your data into your spreadsheet using Coefficient, you can set up the following:

1. Schedule your ImportScheduled_Refreshes.png

2. Turn on SnapshotsSnapshot.png

3. Set Up Automations


FAQs for Looker Integration

Does Coefficient integrate with Looker Studio?

Coefficient integrates with Looker (not Looker Studio/formerly Google Data Studio). You can use the steps here to connect Looker Studio to Google Sheets.  

Do you accept Explore URLs that have a qid parameter?

YES! Coefficient does accept Explore URLs that have a qid parameter. Navigate to a URL in Looker and choose any dimensions or fields; the URL will automatically be assigned a qid parameter. Copy/paste the URL into Coefficient. It will import the data you would see in the Looker UI.

Are there data import limitations (permissions) with Coefficient's  Looker integration?  

Looker allows Admins to set limit permissions in the Looker UI. (The standard limit is 5000 rows of data.) If you want to download the entire set of underlying data, your Looker admin would need to set the permission for you. Coefficient allows up to 100,000 rows of data to be imported from a Looker report.

How do I get the most current data from Looker from a Look (Looker Report)?

When refreshing a Looker report in Coefficient, the data is pulled from the last refresh in Looker; it does not update data beyond Looker. To force run a report in Looker, click on the link in the Coefficient sidebar/Log into the Looker UI, go to the Looker Report, and refresh it there.  

I have custom formatting (e.g., "$#,##0.00") configured on some data fields within Looker. How does Coefficient format this data when imported into Google Sheets/Excel?

By default, Coefficient will import your data as it appears in Looker, applying all your custom formatting. In some (uncommon) cases, you might want to import unformatted data from Looker instead. For instance, you might have a custom date or currency formatting configured in Looker, which is not recognized correctly by Google Sheets/Excel, or you might want more decimal precision for a numeric value that is getting truncated by your Looker’s custom formatting. You can disable custom value formatting on a Coefficient Looker import by enabling the “Disable model-specified value formatting” under Advanced Settings. 

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 6.17.21 PM.png

My company uses Looker with an on-premise Looker server. Can I use Coefficient to import from our Looker instance?

Coefficient supports on-premise Looker instances, provided that it is hosted at a URL that our servers can access. This may require you to whitelist all (3) of our IP Addresses. Additionally, you may want to confirm that your Looker instance has an API version of 3.1+. Contact your Looker Admin for assistance and to confirm your API version.

Coefficient IP Addresses:


I am getting a "Limit Exceeded" error on my Looker import(s). What does this mean? How can I fix this?

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 11.26.44 PM.png

This error message appears due to one of your Looker reports exceeding the limitation of 30K rows when filling down a formula/date value. This error will persist until the source report is updated. To resolve this, remove/update this field from the source report and then run your Looker/Coefficient import(s) again. (For more information, click here.) 


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