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Coefficient's Pipedrive integration enables you to connect your Pipedrive account effortlessly and import data into Google Sheets/Excel. With this integration, you can easily create ad-hoc reports in your spreadsheet using Pipedrive objects and fields. Coefficient is a reliable bridge allowing you to seamlessly access and utilize your Pipedrive data.

Connecting to Pipedrive

Importing from Pipedrive

Import from Objects & Fields

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

FAQs for Pipedrive Integration

Connecting to Pipedrive

When you begin a Pipedrive import for the first time, you will need to go through a few steps to connect Pipedrive as a data source for Coefficient.

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click the Menu.


2. Select “Connected Sources”.


3. Select “Add Connection at the bottom and then “Connect” to Pipedrive.


4. “Authorize” Coefficient to connect to your Pipedrive account.


5. Enter your credentials to log in to your Pipedrive account. (if you are not already logged in)
LoginToPipedrive.png6. You will then be redirected to a page allowing Coefficient to be installed for your user and company. Click “Continue to the App” and start creating an import with your Pipedrive data. 😎

Importing from Pipedrive

Import from Objects & Fields

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the “Import from…” button.


2. Select “Pipedrive” from the list.


3. Choose "From Objects & Fields".


4. Select a Pipedrive object (eg. Deals) from the Import Preview window, then hit Next.PipedriveSelectObject.png
5. Check the box(es) corresponding to the fields you want to include in this import. Some of the more popular fields may already be selected - you can uncheck them if you would like to exclude them from the import. The data previewer on the right side of the screen should display the selected fields.
ℹ️ NOTE: The preview only shows a sample of the results that will be included in your import.  SelectFieldsPipdrive.png6. Under the "Filter" dropdown, you can select a ready-made filter, which will then be applied to the sample data in the preview.  These filters are defined within Pipedrive, and you can add/edit them directly in the Pipedrive UI. You can further customize your import, adding sorts or limits as needed. Then click "Import" on the top right of your screen. FiltersSortsPipedrive.png7. Congratulations on your first import in Pipedrive using Coefficient. 🥂 PipedriveImportSuccess.png

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

Once you have pulled your data into your spreadsheet using Coefficient, you can set up the following:

1. Schedule your ImportScheduled_Refreshes.png

2. Turn on SnapshotsSnapshot.png


3. Set Up Automations


FAQs for Pipedrive Integration

Can I create a custom filter to be used for my Pipedrive imports?

Coefficient pulls in the default Pipedrive filters, you can create your own custom filter from Pipedrive and it should appear in the filter dropdown during import creation. Due to some Pipedrive API limitations, filters and sort are not available for the "Notes" object.

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