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With Coefficient's Notion integration, you can seamlessly connect and access data from your Notion workspace. This nifty feature lets you create dynamic dashboards and reports within Notion, making it a breeze to track and analyze your projects and tasks.

Connecting to Notion

Importing from Notion

Import from Tables & Columns

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

FAQs for Notion

Connecting to Notion

When you begin a Notion import for the first time, you will need to go through a few steps to connect Notion as a data source for Coefficient.

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click Menu.


2. Select “Connected Sources”.


3. Select “Add Connection at the bottom and then “Connect” to Notion.

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4. “Authorize” Coefficient to connect to your Notion account.

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5.  You will be redirected to the permissions page. Then, click "Select pages".

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6. Select the pages that contain your databases, then select "Allow Access.” to grant access to Coefficient.

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ℹ️ NOTE: Only databases selected/given access will be available for Coefficient/Notion imports. If you need to add a new database (that was not in your initial selection) you will need to REAUTHORIZE the Notion connection, then select the databases to add for Coefficient. DO NOT DISCONNECT as it will break all your existing Coefficient+Notion imports. (This cannot be undone! 😵😵‍💫😱)

ℹ️ See Manage Data Source Connections here to learn more.

Importing from Notion

Import from Tables & Columns

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the “Import from…” button.

Menu_Icon (1).png

2. Select “Notion” from the list.

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3. Select "From Tables & Columns".

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 4. Select or search the database (eg. Updated Employee Data) from the Import Preview window then hit “Next”. image (66).png5. Check the box(es) corresponding to the fields you would like to include in this import. The fields selected will appear in the data preview. (The data preview shows a sample of the results and not the complete query results) Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 12.57.52 AM.png6. Customize your import by adding filters, and row limits as needed. Click the “Refresh Preview” option to update the sample data based on the updates. Then “Import”.Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 12.54.17 AM.png7. Congratulations on your first Notion import in Coefficient! 🎉 image (67).png

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

Once you have pulled your data into spreadsheets using Coefficient, you can set up the following:

1. Schedule your ImportScheduled_Refreshes.png

2. Turn on SnapshotsSnapshot.png

3. Set Up Automations


FAQs for Notion

The database(s) I need to select from are missing from the list in Notion. What can I do?

You need to “Reauthorize” your Notion data source connection and select all the databases you want to include for Coefficient.

Steps to reauthorize your Notion data source connection:

  1. Click the Menu icon (3-stack icon on the upper-right).
  2. Select “Connected Sources”.
  3. Hover your mouse over your Notion data source and select “Reauthorize” on the 3-vertical dots.
  4. Authorize the connection. Then confirm that the new databases appear in the list when you attempt to create a new Notion import using Coefficient.

Are there any limitations to this integration?

There are a few things to note with our Notion connector:

    • Only Notion databases are supported at the moment.
    • A few column types are not supported (Example: Relation, Rollup, and Verification)
    • Row import maximum of 10K for each import.
    • You may use fields/columns that are not selected as a filter. However, the number of filters that can be added is limited by the number of columns you select.
    • Different filters (such as number, text, date, and boolean) are mostly supported on all columns depending on their type; however, the AND filter logic is currently supported when multiple filters are applied.


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