Google Analytics 4

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Google Analytics 4 allows you to connect and integrate with your GA4 data. Using the Coefficient's GA4 connector, you can pull your metrics, dimensions, and segments directly from your account which can help you build insightful dashboards. 📈

Connecting to Google Analytics 4

Importing from Google Analytics 4

Import from Scratch

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

FAQs for Google Analytics 4

Connecting to Google Analytics 4

When you begin a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) import for the first time, you will need to connect/authorize Coefficient to access your Google Analytics 4 data.

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click Menu.


2. Select “Connected Sources”.


3. Select “Add Connection at the bottom and then “Connect” to Google Analytics 4.

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4. “Authorize” Coefficient to connect to your GA4 account.

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5. Choose the Google account you would like to use for GA4.


6. “Allow” access. When successful, you will be taken back to Google Sheets/Excel to start your GA4 import. 

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 6.34.54 PM.png

Importing from Google Analytics 4

Import from Scratch

1. From the Coefficient Sidebar select “Import from…”.

ImportFrom (1).png

2. Choose “Google Analytics 4” from the list.

Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 8.23.20 PM.png

3. Select "Start from scratch"

Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 8.26.41 PM.png

4. The "Import Preview" window appears, select the property to import. (eg. Coefficient - GA4)Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 8.31.23 PM.png

5. Select the Dimensions and Metrics needed for your import. Click inside the white box area for each section to search for the fields you need. The data previewer shows a sample of the data from the fields you select. Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 8.37.47 PM.png

6. Customize your import by adding filters, sorts, or limits as needed. The sample data will be updated based on what customizations are added. Once done, click “Import” on the top right of your screen. (Date logic filters are a great way to keep your imports focused and light-weight) Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 8.40.14 PM.png

7. Congratulations on your first GA4 import in Coefficient! 🎉 Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 8.57.48 PM.png

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

Once you have pulled your data into your spreadsheet using Coefficient, you can set up the following:

1. Schedule your ImportScheduled_Refreshes.png

2. Turn on SnapshotsSnapshot.png


3. Set Up Automations


FAQs for Google Analytics 4

Are there any Sort/Filter limits with Coefficient + GA4? What type of filters are supported?

Coefficient’s GA4 connector currently supports fields selected in the Dimensions and Metrics fields as filters and sorts. Not all Dimensions/Metrics are supported with the GA4 API (if it shows in the UI it is supported).

For Dimensions, we support string filters. You can use the exact match and contains logic.

For Metrics, we support numeric filters. You can use the equals, less than, greater than, less than or equal and greater than or equal logic.

How come my previous Google Analytics (UA) properties are not showing in Google Analytics 4?

Coefficient will only show GA4 compatible properties. The properties that were available in Google Analytics (UA) will not show up in the list. (They will have the prefix “UA”)

The data in my Coefficient import does not match the data in Google Analytics 4. What could be the reason for this?

One of the potential reasons there could be a mismatch in the Coefficient import vs. GA4 lies in the Google Analytics 4 API limitations. One option to try is adding the “Date” field to your metrics - this will break down your data so you can locate the discrepancy on the specific date rather than the data being aggregated.

The data in my Coefficient import is showing incorrectly for the previous day. What could be the reason for this?

The Google Analytics 4 API may not include all the data from the previous day (24 hours) if you are pulling the data before 5 AM. We highly recommend creating your imports and scheduling them to refresh AFTER 5 AM to avoid potential mismatches. If there is still a mismatch, please reach out to Support ( and we can take a closer look.

I am having trouble importing from Google Analytics 4. What steps can I take to resolve this?

There are a few things you can try:

  1. Make sure that you are using your own GA4 account and not a shared/team account.
  2. Disable any ad blockers installed on your browser. This can interfere with any requests that Coefficient makes to GA4 during the import process.
  3. Confirm your permissions with GA4 with your Admin (Editor permissions are recommended).
  4. Reach out to for further assistance.
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