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Coefficient integrates with Outreach to help businesses succeed by combining analytics, technology, and human engagement. It automates data imports, conducts analytics, and transforms insights, making it a helpful tool to understand and improve your Outreach efforts.

Connecting to Outreach

Importing from Outreach

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

FAQs for Outreach

Connecting to Outreach

When you begin an Outreach import for the first time, you will need to go through a few steps to connect Outreach as a data source for Coefficient.

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click the Menu.

Menu_Icon (1).png

2. Select “Connected Sources”. 

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 5.18.29 AM.png

3. Select “Add Connection” at the bottom and then “Connect” to Outreach.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.23.40 AM.png

4. “Authorize” Coefficient to connect to your Outreach account.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.24.13 AM.png

5. Enter your username and password and click “Sign In”. You will then be redirected back to your spreadsheet and access has been granted for Coefficient to your Outreach account. 🙌🏼

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.25.36 AM.png

Importing from Outreach

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the “Import from…” button.

ImportFrom (1).png

2. Select “Outreach” from the list.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.28.11 AM.png

3. Select "From Objects & Fields".Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.28.41 AM.png

4. Select an object from those listed. (example: ”Opportunity”)Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.29.47 AM.png5. Check the box(es) corresponding to the fields you would like to include in this import. The fields selected will appear in the data previewer on the right of the screen.

ℹ️ NOTE: The preview only shows a sample of the results that will be included in your import.Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.34.26 AM.png6. Customize your import by adding filters, sorts, or limits as needed. Then click, “Import” on the top right of your screen.Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.39.37 AM.png7. Congratulations on your first Outreach import in Coefficient! 👍🏼Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 6.41.27 AM.png

Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations

Once you have pulled your data into your spreadsheet using Coefficient, you can set up the following:

1. Schedule your Importa.png

2. Turn on Snapshotsb.png

3. Set Up Automations


FAQs for Outreach

How many custom fields does our Outreach integration support?

 Up to 150 custom fields are supported by Outreach’s API and can be imported. However, you can only rename up to 35 custom fields in Outreach, so some custom fields may not show a descriptive name due to this limitation.

I want to import meetings booked with Coefficient; how can I do that?

Coefficient currently does not support the following: Meetings Booked, Call Sentiment, and Team Name. This is a limitation of the Outreach API.

Are there any filter limitations with Outreach?

Due to API limitations, Coefficient supports filtering with “equal to”, “greater than” or “less than”. With multiple filters on your import, Coefficient currently supports “AND” filter logic and not “OR”.

I am trying to sort my import by multiple fields and criteria and getting an error. Are there any limitations with sorting with Outreach?

Due to API limitations, Coefficient supports 3 sorts with our Outreach integration.

I am trying to import 150,000 rows with Outreach, and I am getting an error. What could be the reason?

Due to API limitations, Coefficient supports 100,000 row (maximum) imports with Outreach.

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