Facebook Insights

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Using Coefficient's Facebook Insights integration, you can seamlessly connect and access data from your Facebook Social platform. This allows you to analyze your page and content metrics which helps your page drive additional engagement and conversions.

Connecting to Facebook Insights

Importing from Facebook Insights

Start from Scratch

Schedule your Imports, Snapshots, and Automations

FAQs for Facebook Insights

Connecting to Facebook Insights

When you begin a Facebook Insights import for the first time, you will need to go through a few steps to connect Facebook Insights as a data source for Coefficient.

1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click Menu.


2. Select “Connected Sources”.


3. Select “Add Connection” at the bottom and then “Connect” to Facebook Insights.

image (98).png

4. “Authorize” the connection.

Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 6.01.25 PM.png


5. Enter your Facebook Insights (Social) email and password, then click “Log In”. If successful, you will be redirected back to your spreadsheet and you can now start creating Facebook Insights imports.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 8.15.02 PM.png

Importing from Facebook Insights

Start from Scratch

1. From the Coefficient Sidebar select “Import from…”.

ImportFrom (1).png

2. Select “Facebook Insights” from the list.

Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 6.06.47 PM.png

3. Select "Start from scratch"

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 8.22.25 PM.png

4. Select the type of Facebook Insight you want to import from (eg. Page Insights) then hit “Next”. Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 6.25.09 PM.png

5. Select the fields needed for your Metrics, Aggregation Period, and Dimensions. Click inside the white box area for each section to search for the fields you need. The data previewer shows a sneak peek of the data from the fields you select.

ℹ️ NOTE: Due to some Facebook API limitations, Dimension can be enabled when you select the “Total Impressions” metric only.Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 6.31.26 PM.png

6. Customize your import by adding filters and/or row limits as needed. Click the “Refresh Preview” option to update the sample data based on the customizations that are added. Then “Import”. Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 6.42.22 PM.png

7. Congratulations on your first import using Coefficient’s Facebook Insights connector. 🎉 Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 6.45.03 PM.png

Schedule your Imports, Snapshots, and Automations

Once you have pulled your data into your spreadsheet using Coefficient, you can set up the following:

1. Schedule your Importa.png

2. Turn on Snapshotsb.png

3. Set Up Automations


FAQs for Facebook Insights

Why is the “Dimension” option grayed out when I create my import, how can I enable it?

Due to some Facebook API limitations, you need to remove all the fields added to your Metrics and leave “Total Impressions” to enable the Dimension option.

I have Facebook posts created 3 years ago however, I don't see them when I create my import, how can I fix this?

At the moment, only the last 2 years of data insights are available when you create your Facebook Insights import.

Is the data on my Facebook Insights import updated in real-time?

Most metrics within Facebook Insights are updated every 24 hours. You can schedule your import to refresh daily or weekly to ensure you're receiving the most current data.

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