Uncover the potential of Coefficient for Excel, an intuitively user-friendly Excel Add-In that is poised to transform the way you manage data. Experience the seamless integration of Coefficient with the Excel interface, effortlessly combining data insights with the familiar features of Microsoft's platform.
Create a Coefficient import with the Excel Add-in
Install Coefficient for Excel
You have two options for installing Coefficient's Excel Add-In: you can install it either through the Excel for Web interface or via your Excel for Desktop version.
ℹ️ PRO TIP: Have your Microsoft Admin do a domain install - it makes it SO MUCH easier for everyone to use Coefficient). 💙
Excel for Web
1. On a new Excel for Web spreadsheet, go to “Add-Ins” and select “More Add-ins” |
2. Search for Coefficient, click “Add” and then “Continue”. |
3. Once the installation is complete/successful you will see a “Coefficient” tab in your Excel ribbon. Now you can proceed with creating imports inside Excel for Web! 😎
Excel for Desktop
1. On a new Excel for Desktop spreadsheet, click “Insert” and select “Get Add-ins”.
ℹ️ NOTE: Sometimes when using Excel for Desktop, you may have to log in with Microsoft when launching the sidebar for the first time.
2. You will be redirected to the Microsoft Office App Store. Search for "Coefficient" and click on the "Get it now" button. You will be prompted to sign into your Microsoft account to complete the installation
3. Once the installation is complete/successful you will see a “Coefficient” tab in your Excel ribbon. Now you can proceed with creating imports inside Excel for Desktop! 😎
Connecting to a Data Source
If you have used Coefficient with Google Sheets, you will find the process of connecting to a data source quite similar.
(Example: Connect to Salesforce)
1. In your Excel sheet, go to the Coefficient tab and select “Open Sidebar”.
2. From the Coefficient sidebar, click the Menu. |
3. Select “Connected Sources”.
4. Select “Add Connection” and then “Connect” to Salesforce. |
5. Click “Authorize” to connect Coefficient to your Salesforce org. |
6. Enter your username and password to log in.
7. Click “Allow” and you should be redirected back to your sheet. You can then start creating Salesforce imports. |
ℹ️ For instructions on connecting to our other integrations, click here.
Create a Coefficient import with the Excel Add-in
The steps to create an import using Coefficient’s Excel-Add-in are very similar to Google Sheets.
(Example: Salesforce Report import)
1. In your Excel sheet, go to the Coefficient tab and select “Open Sidebar”.
2. From the Coefficient sidebar, click on the “Import from…” button. |
3. Select “Salesforce” from the list. |
4. Select “From Existing Report”. |
5. Select your Salesforce report or manually search for the report name if it does not appear in the list, then "Import Report". |
6. Congratulations on your first Salesforce import using Coefficient’s Excel Add-In. 🎉
FAQs for Excel Add-in
I want to install Coefficient on Excel (desktop) for my entire team. How can I do this?
Your Admin will need to navigate to the M365 Admin Center and follow the steps here.
I am having trouble installing Coefficient on Microsoft 365. What can I do to resolve this?
It can be helpful to have all the installation steps laid out so that you can easily spot any missed details. Please review the steps below, and if you're still having trouble, feel free to reach out to support (support@coefficient.io).
1. In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, go to Settings and select Integrated apps
2. Click on "Get Apps" and search for "Coefficient."
3. Click "Get it now" on the Coefficient app listing.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to deploy the Coefficient add-in across your organization.
If you would like additional guidance on Integrated Apps, you can refer to Microsoft's Deploying and Managing Office Add-ins article.
Does the Excel Add-In provide support for the same coefficient integrations?
Coefficient supports all our current integrations with the Excel Add-in EXCEPT Tableau and Google Sheets.
What Coefficient features are supported with the Excel Add-in?
Coefficient’s Excel Add-in supports creating imports and scheduled imports. Additional features and enhancements will be coming soon!
How can I schedule my import to refresh if I created it from an Excel workbook on my desktop?
To schedule an import to refresh with Coefficient, the Excel workbook needs to be saved in your OneDrive account. Scheduled imports are not supported when saved only to the desktop.
What platforms/versions is the Excel Add-in supported?
Platform | Supported | Details |
Microsoft Excel on the Web | ✅ | N/A |
Office on Windows | ✅ | N/A |
Office 2021 on Windows | ✅ | N/A |
Office 2019 on Windows | ❌ | Not supported |
Office 2016 on Windows | ❌ | Not supported |
Office 2013 on Windows | ❌ | Not supported |
Office on iPad | ⚠️ | SSO not supported |
Office on Mac | ✅ | Version 16.40 is supported |
A colleague shared an Excel sheet with me and I can't find the Coefficient buttons to “Refresh” or “Open Sidebar”. What do I do?
Any user that wants to interact with Coefficient in the Excel Add-in MUST install Coefficient. Once installed, users will see the Coefficient buttons and be able to interact with them in the Excel sheet ribbon.
ℹ️ PRO TIP: Have your Microsoft Admin do a domain install - it makes it SO MUCH easier for everyone to use Coefficient) 💙