
Section header image mobile

The "Admin" section of Coefficient is designed for domain administrators to manage and monitor team activities within the platform. It provides insights into imports, run histories, alerts, and individual user activities. If you wish to audit team activities, you can create Coefficient imports directly from the Admin section and set them to refresh. This allows you to develop a dashboard and analyze team usage and adoption. The Admin insights can be very helpful in troubleshooting any potential issues. 🔎

*This feature is for Enterprise Plans Only*

Admin Insights

Accessing the Admin


Connected Sources


Run History



Import into sheet


FAQs for the Coefficient Admin


Admin Insights

Admins need to have visibility into their team and how they might leverage the tools they are provided - Coefficient is no exception and we love sharing these insights with you!

Detailed Insights:

  • Connected Sources - See what data sources your team is connecting and pulling data from (or pushing data back into) within your tech stack. (Examples: Salesforce, HubSpot, Snowflake).
  • Imports - View all the imports created by your team, including the creator, creation date, whether they are scheduled to refresh, or if the user is manually refreshing them. It's also important to check each import's run history (refresh history). If an import is failing, action may be needed to resolve the issue blocking the refresh.
  • Automation - Automations (Alerts) created within your team are valuable for staying updated on KPIs and other critical metrics for your business. From the Admin interface, you can view the Automation's name, creator, creation date and time, type, number of times the alert was triggered, and the date/time of the last send.
  • User/Team Activity - Visibility into your team and how they use Coefficient. Who is at the top of your Coefficient Leaderboard? 

Admins can export most of these insights from the Admin and import them into Google Sheets/Excel as CSVs. It can be incredibly handy to create it as a Coefficient import because then it can be refreshed for you to have recent insights - or go a step further and build out a dashboard powered by these imports to get a 360-degree view of your team's activity. 💥💥💥

Accessing the Admin

1. Click the Menu in the sidebar's top right corner.

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2. From the options listed, select “Admin."

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ℹ️ Note: If you do not see Admin in the sidebar and are the Admin for your team, please contact support ( for assistance. 

3. A new browser tab will open with the following: Spreadsheets, Datasets, Team Activity, Admin, Invite Coworkers, and Plans & Billing (available only for Pro/Enterprise Plans). 

AdminHomePage copy.png


The Admin tab consists of the following tabs: Connected Sources, Imports, Run History, Alerts (Automations), and Users.

Connected Sources

The Connected Sources tab provides valuable information about your team's data source connections. Here, you can analyze which data sources are primarily used by your team for imports/exports and their current status, which is particularly helpful in addressing any issues that may arise.

Connected Sources Insights:

  • Name - Data source name
  • Source - Data source type (e.g., Salesforce, HubSpot, Airtable, Tableau, etc.)
  • Sharing - Is the data source shared with the team or not?
  • Status - OK or Reconnect? (If the data source says "Reconnect", the owner needs to reauthorize the connection from the sidebar - For steps to reconnect a data source, click here.)
  • Imports - Number of imports associated with the data source.
  • Writebacks - Number of writebacks/exports associated with the data source.
  • Created By - The user who created the data source connection.
  • Created Date - Date when the data source connection was created.ConnectedSourcesHighlight.png

ℹ️ NOTE: When you click on one of the data sources from the list, details about that specific data source will appear on the right side. The information displayed will vary depending on the selected data source.ConnSourcesOnClick.png

Manage Connected Sources:

Sharing/Unsharing Data Sources

As an Admin, you can share or unshare the data source connection from this section. You can choose to share the connection with:

  • Everyone at my domains (multiple/linked domains)
  • Specific users in my domains (share it with specific users only)

⚠️ Be cautious when sharing or unsharing a data source connection, as it can directly affect the associated imports and writebacks. ⚠️

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 1.15.21 AM.png

Renaming and Deleting Connected Sources:

Click on the 3-vertical dots of a Connected Source to Rename it or Delete the connection. Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 6.58.41 PM.png

🛑 Deleting a data/connected source will delete the connection (imports/exports). This will break any imports/exports using this data source. This action cannot be undone. 🛑


The Imports tab contains information regarding your team's import(s). These insights are extremely helpful and valuable -  especially when troubleshooting.

Import Insights:

  • Import Name
  • Spreadsheet
  • Created by - Name of the person who created this import in Coefficient
  • Source - Where was the data pulled from for this import? (Salesforce, Snowflake, etc.)
  • Last Run - Date/Timestamp of this import's last refresh(run). (This will tell you how old the data is). 
  • Status - Did this import refresh/run successfully ("OK"), or not ("Failed")
  • Scheduled - (YES or NO) - YES means that the import is scheduled to refresh, and NO means that it either needs to be scheduled or is being refreshed manually by the team.ImportsMainTabHighlightedRow.png

Import Details:

Sometimes, you would like to see more details about an import. You can expand the details by clicking on the triangle to the right of the Import Name, and it will expand, revealing additional vital insights. 

  • Source Details (import’s source connection)
  • Schedule Details (frequency of how often the import is auto-refreshed)
  • Created Time (date and time that the import was created


Recent Runs:

Recent Runs allows you to see the most recent refreshes of an import. 

  • Time (date/time stamp for each import run)
  • Status (OK: Means that the import successfully refreshed; Failed: Means that there was an issue with the import refresh and may need further investigation)
  • Rows (number of imported rows, the number of columns appear in parenthesis (i.e., "(7cols)")
  • Trigger (How was this import refreshed? (Manual / Scheduled)

Source Info (Data Source) - This appears (only) for SQL sources and may vary. ImportsCollapsedRecentRuns.pngℹ️ Note: If your import is created using a custom SQL script, you should see the query for that import by hovering over the "SQL Query" link. (This only applies to SQL sources)

ℹ️ ProTip: Sort the data columns to rearrange the data (ascending/descending) to see the insights you need. To apply a sort, click the inverted triangle  🔽  next to the column name and select the type.SortImportsTab.png

Run History

The Run History tab contains essential insight into activity on your imports within the last 30 days.

Run History Insights:

  • Import Name 
  • Spreadsheet 
  • Created by - Name of the person who created this import in Coefficient
  • Source - Where was the data pulled from for this import
  • Time - This is the last date/time of this import's last refresh(run). (This will tell you how old the data is).
  • Status - (OK: Means that the import successfully refreshed; Failed: Means that there was an issue with the import refresh and may need further investigation)
  • Rows - number of imported rows, the number of columns appear in parenthesis (i.e., "(7cols)")

Trigger - (How was this import refreshed? (Manual / Scheduled)RunHistoryMainTab copy.pngℹ️ ProTip: Click the inverted triangle button 🔽 on the left of the import to reveal more detailed insights -  the Source and Import timeRunHistoryCollapsedRecords.pngℹ️ Note: If your import is created using a custom SQL script, you should see the query for that import by hovering over the "SQL Query" link.

ℹ️ ProTip: Sort the data columns to rearrange the data (ascending/descending) to see the insights you need. To apply a sort, click the inverted triangle  🔽  next to the column name and select the type. RunHistorySort:Filter.png

Alerts (Automations)

The Alerts tab contains information on all the alerts created within your domain.

Alerts (Automations) Insights:

  • Alert (Automation) Name 
  • User - Name of the person who created this Alert (Automation) in Coefficient.
  • Type - Alert (Automation) Type (Snapshot, Monitor Change, New Rows with ID/Appended).
  • File - Name of the Sheet on which the Alert (Automation) was created.
  • Created - Date/time stamp when the Alert (Automation) was created.
  • Sends - Number of times this Alert (Automation) was sent.
  • Last Send - Date/time stamp when the Alert (Automation) was last sent. AlertsTabHIghlightedRow.pngℹ️ ProTip: You can search for a specific alert by clicking the inverted triangle 🔽 from the "Alert" tab.AlertsSearch.pngℹ️ ProTip: Click the inverted triangle  🔽  before the alert name to display additional information for that specific alert.
      • Initial Monitored range - Range selected to monitor for this Automation.
      • Alert ID 
      • User - Name of the person who created this Alert in Coefficient.
      • File ID - Sheet ID where the alert is createdScreenshot 2024-06-05 at 1.46.32 AM.pngℹ️ NOTE: The "Created" and "Last Send" columns show generalized date and time values (3M = 3 Months or 11H = 11 Hours). You must hover your mouse over each value to show the exact date and time.


The Users tab displays information about all the Coefficient users within your organization.

ℹ️ NOTE: You may see users here that are no longer active.

  • Name
  • Email 
  • Created Date - Date/time stamp of when this user installed Coefficient.
  • Imports - Total number of imports created with Coefficient UsersTabMainPage.pngℹ️ ProTip: Sort the users by Name (ascending/descending) by clicking the inverted arrow icon. 🔽UsersTabSort.png

Import into sheet

1. Each tab in the Admin section allows you to export your organization's data into a spreadsheet (via CSV). To get started, ensure you are on the right tab (Connected Sources, Imports, Run History, Alerts, or Users), then click the "Import into sheet" button in the top right corner.Importintosheet....png

2. You will see a list of instructions appear. To proceed, click the "Copy CSV URL" button. This will copy the source URL for your data. Then, you will need to navigate back to your spreadsheet to create the Coefficient import of this data.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 6.41.52 PM.png

3. From the Coefficient sidebar, click "Import from..."

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 6.45.47 PM.png

4. Locate "Files" from the list of Options.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 7.46.47 PM.png

5. Select "CSV" from the list. 

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 7.48.27 PM.png

6. Select "From URL". 

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 7.49.28 PM.png

7. Paste the URL you copied from the Coefficient Admin into the field provided.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 6.48.40 PM.png


8. Confirm your columns. Import.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 6.51.03 PM.png

9. Your import will load in a new tab; from here, you can make any necessary adjustments and even schedule the import to refresh - if needed. 😉Importintosheetresults.png

ℹ️ ProTip: You can repeat this process for each tab in the Admin and use these imports to build a comprehensive usage dashboard showing key user information and Coefficient usage. 


Settings allow you to update/enable/disable certain features and interactions within Coefficient. 

ℹ️ NOTE: Some settings are available only for Admins to update (i.e., Enable Cloud Datasets and Enable GPT Features)AdminSettings.png

FAQs for the Coefficient Admin

I am the Coefficient Admin for my organization. How can I get access to this feature? 

The Admin is available for Team/Enterprise plans at this time. If you are on a Team/Enterprise plan and need access, please contact support (, and we will be happy to enable this for you. If you are not on the Team/Entreprise plan, you may view similar insights from My Workspace


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