You can collaborate with Coefficient by sharing data sources directly with designated users. This feature streamlines workflows by providing targeted access, ensuring data security while sharing it only with relevant individuals within your organization.
Share a Data Source Connection
FAQs for Data Source Sharing with Specific Users
Share a Data Source Connection
1. Open the Coefficient sidebar and click Menu.
2. Select "Connected Sources".
3. Locate the Data Source Connection you would like to share. When you hover over the connection, 3 vertical dots will appear. Click "Manage Connection" from the listed options.
4. In the Connection settings, toggle the "Share connection with your team" switch, then click "edit."
5. Here, you can share this connection with "Everyone at my domains" or Specific users at my domains". If you choose to share with specific users, you will need to enter their emails here and then click Save.
FAQs for data source sharing with specific users
How can I enable this feature for my team?
This feature is currently available for our Enterprise plan customers. Please have your Coefficient Admin reach out to our support team for assistance. (