Coefficient’s Export to QuickBooks feature enables seamless data transfer directly from your spreadsheet to QuickBooks, streamlining financial record management. With this tool, users can update key records such as invoices, bills, and expenses in just a few clicks, saving time and reducing manual data entry errors. It’s an efficient way to ensure your QuickBooks account stays accurate and up to date.
Schedule an Export to QuickBooks
What is Export to Quickbooks?
Export to QuickBooks is a very powerful feature in Coefficient. It allows you to update data in Google Sheets/Excel and then uses Coefficient to push (or write back) that updated data directly into QuickBooks.
How to Export to Quickbooks?
ℹ️ NOTE: We recommend creating a QuickBooks import of your data into Google Sheets/Excel using Coefficient before performing the Export to QuickBooks. This allows us to detect/map certain fields automatically. (This is not required but HIGHLY recommended.) 😎
Example: Updating Account Object in your Quickbooks instance using an existing Coefficient import.
1. Launch the Coefficient sidebar and click on the “Export to...” button. |
2. Select the data source to which you would like to export your data. (ie, QuickBooks)
3. Select the Tab and Header row (the Header row is not the Coefficient header, but the row with the QuickBooks field headers), then hit "Next." |
4. Destination Settings: Select the QuickBooks Object you are exporting the data to and the Action you would like to take, then hit "Next". (Details on the different Actions are below)
5. Field Mappings: Depending on the Action you are taking, specific fields may be required to be mapped for this export. Example: An Update with the Invoice Object requires the ID, ID (Line), and Customer ID (Customer Reference). Coefficient will automatically map the fields for you if the data in the sheet came from an import from QuickBooks using Coefficient. ℹ️ NOTE: If the data in the sheet was not generated by a Quickbooks/Coefficient import, you will need to map the data manually. |
6. The Field Mappings window will open, allowing you to select and map your desired fields. Once you've done this, click "Save Mappings." |
7. Advanced Settings: Column for Results: Each time you Export To... Quickbooks, Coefficient will write information related to that update to your sheet. Coefficient will try to guess the first empty column in your sheet and suggest that as the column to populate this information. We will write 3 columns to the sheet: (1) the URL for the Quickbooks Record that was updated, (2) the status of the export (OK, ERROR, etc.), and (3) the date/time stamp that the record was updated last using Coefficient. Export Empty Cells on Update: Enabling this feature will allow you to remove/clear out existing values in QuickBooks in bulk using Coefficient. Include export button on sheet: Enabling this will create a button in the Coefficient header to allow you to access the existing Export Mappings for your current sheet much faster. |
8. Confirm your settings and then select "Export".
9. Choose which rows from your sheet to Export to QuickBooks (e.g., All rows on the sheet). |
10. Coefficient will scan the data on your sheet and display the number of rows to be updated, are in error or skipped. Click on "Preview changes". |
11. The "Export Preview" window opens, showing the fields that will be updated in QuickBooks (highlighted in blue). If there are potential errors with your export, they will be visible here, allowing you to make necessary adjustments to your data. When you have confirmed all the changes/updates that will be pushed to Quickbooks, click the "Update 8 rows in Quickbooks" button.
ℹ️ NOTE: Toggle the buttons at the top (enabled by default) to either "Show only the changed rows" or "Show only the mapped columns" for better visibility.
ℹ️ NOTE: This action CANNOT be undone, so ensure all your settings and updates are correct before proceeding.
12. When the Export to Quickbooks is complete (and successful), you can see the number of row/s exported/skipped. Congratulations on your first Export to Quickbooks! 🎉''
Re-use an Existing Mapping
If you have used the "Export to Quickbooks" function before, you will see the previous Export Mappings in the Coefficient sidebar underneath your Import list. This list will allow you to reuse a previous mapping. We will go through the process of using both the sidebar and the button below.
1. Export to QuickBooks a second time will reveal the “Export” button in the Coefficient Header and the previous mappings in the sidebar.
ℹ️ NOTE: The "Export" button will show if you have enabled the "Include export button on sheet" setting and if your data came from a Coefficient import.
2. When clicking the “Export” on-sheet button, the previous mapping(s) related to the sheet you are currently on will appear in the sidebar.
3. Review the mappings before performing the Export to QuickBooks again. (From here, you can view the run history and settings)Then, proceed with the typical Export to QuickBooks process.
Export to Quickbooks Actions
ℹ️ NOTE: The actions below are object-dependent, which means the object will determine the supported action. Example: Object A only supports Update, Insert, and Add New Line Item.
Pushes updates to an existing field/record in QuickBooks.
- The record MUST have a record ID mapped.
Updates QuickBooks object fields to void the record
Creates a NEW ID and inserts data into a new record in QuickBooks.
Deletes data for existing records in QuickBooks.
Add New Line Items
This will add new/additional line items to an object. This requires specific fields to be mapped.
Remove Line Items
This will remove existing line items from an object. This requires specific fields to be mapped.
Schedule an Export to Quickbooks
If you work with data frequently, you may perform repetitive tasks. Our "Export to QuickBooks" feature allows you to schedule pushing your data back to QuickBooks at a specific time. This feature can save you significant time by automating the export process. 🤯
See how you can schedule an export to QuickBooks here!
FAQ for Export to QuickBooks
How can I use this feature?
Export to QuickBooks is a premium feature, meaning you can try it out on the Free plan for up to a certain number of rows. If you hit the limit on the Free or Starter plan(s) and need to upgrade to the Pro plan for unlimited use, please contact, and a member of our team will assist you.
Why are some actions showing for an Export to QuickBooks and not all of them?
The Export to QuickBooks actions are object-dependent. This means the actions available are determined by the object you select on your export. Not all actions are supported for all objects.
What actions are supported for Scheduled Exports with QuickBooks?
Currently, Scheduled Exports only support the Update action. If you'd like to request support for additional actions, please contact us at to log a feature request.
How do I insert multiple line items for my Invoices using Export to QuickBooks?
Coefficient's Export to QuickBooks allows you to insert line items for Invoices, Sales, Bills, and Bill Payment objects. To do this, start by performing an insert to add a single line item to the object, then use the "Add Line Item" action to include additional line items.
Can I update both line item and account type in a single row during an insert operation for Cases?
Line items and account types cannot be updated in a single row during an insert operation. They must be split into two separate rows to update successfully.
Which fields can be updated when using Coefficient's Export to QuickBooks feature?
The fields that can be updated are object-dependent and align with the fields available in the QuickBooks UI for that specific object. Check the corresponding QuickBooks object to confirm that the fields you wish to update are supported.
Does Coefficient support updating picklist values in QuickBooks?
Coefficient supports updating picklist values. For example, when updating the Parent Account in an Account object, you will see two fields in the import: Account ID (Parent Reference) and Account Name (Parent Reference). To update the Parent Account, you need to modify the ID mapped to the corresponding name in the backend. The name and ID options are displayed in the pick list, but an update must be made to the ID field to reflect correctly.
Do you know if Export to QuickBooks supports data validation or dropdown settings? If so, how can these features be utilized?
Certain fields in QuickBooks include dropdown menus for convenience. When updating records, users can select from a list of predefined options.
To add a custom option, click the pencil icon below the dropdown. This opens the options in the sidebar, where you can manually edit and add new entries.
The easiest way to update/undo a mistake is to update your Coefficient sheet and perform an Export to QuickBooks (again) to "undo" the mistake. You are also welcome to fix it in the QuickBooks UI.
How do you rename an export mapping so you can recognize it and reuse it later?
In the Coefficient sidebar, you will see all of your imports; if you scroll down, you will see a section called Exports. Locate the Export you would like to rename, hover over the name with your mouse, and click on the 3-vertical dots that appear. Select “Rename” from the list. Update the name of your Export, and press “Enter” to save.
How do you view an Export’s Run History?
In the Coefficient sidebar, you'll find all your imports listed. Scroll down to the Export section and locate the specific export you want to review. Click on it to view the details, and you'll find a “See Full Run History” link under the most recent export information.
Clicking the link will redirect you to a dashboard to download the complete log in CSV format.