Scheduled Exports with Coefficient allow you to push data back into Salesforce or SQL databases (i.e. MySQL) at a specific time or when specific conditions are met. This automated process removes the repetitive manual process of pushing updates saving time, adding value, and ensuring data is updating as expected. ✍🏻
*This feature is currently supported on Google Sheets only*
Scheduled Export to Salesforce
Export to with a Condition Column
Scheduled Export to Salesforce
SCENARIO: You have an existing Coefficient import of Salesforce Leads that automatically refreshes at 8 a.m. PST daily, which includes all your open tasks. Throughout the day, as you work on these tasks, you need to update their status and push the updates back into Salesforce before leaving. To ensure that all tasks are updated in your Salesforce org before the import refreshes the following day, we set up the scheduled export for 8 p.m. PST.
*(Object: Task and Action: Update)*
ℹ️ NOTE: When scheduling an Export to Salesforce, you can either use an existing mapping (sample below) or create a new one. If you are using an existing mapping, We recommend reviewing the mapped fields before scheduling. This will help prevent to mitigate any errors and help the process run smoothly.
See our article: Export to Salesforce to learn more!
To update and schedule your existing export to Salesforce, follow the steps below.
2. The sidebar will show the mapping details for that Export. Scroll down and click the “Edit” link under the “Export Schedule” section. |
3. Select the Export Schedule frequency desired. (Example: Daily at 8 p.m.). ℹ️ NOTE: We highly recommend adding at least a 2-hour gap between your Scheduled Import(s) and any Scheduled Export to Salesforce. This will ensure that the data coming from Salesforce is completely up to date before pushing the data back to Salesforce via export. This also helps prevent incorrect data from being written to your Salesforce org. |
4. Rows to export: You have the option to export “All rows on sheet” or “Select specific rows on sheet”. |
ℹ️ NOTE: If you select the option for “Specific rows on sheet”, you will be prompted to highlight the rows on your sheet you want to export. |
ℹ️ NOTE: After selecting rows to export, you will see “## rows will be exported”. If you need to edit this, click on “Change selection”. |
Confirm your settings BEFORE you commit to these changes. These actions cannot be undone!
6. Congratulations on scheduling your Export to Salesforce! 🥂
Scheduled Export to HubSpot
SCENARIO: You have an existing Coefficient import of HubSpot deals that refreshes every Monday at 6 a.m. You need to ensure that all deal information is updated back into HubSpot from the updates made in the Coefficient import.
You have an existing Coefficient import of all your HubSpot Deals. Throughout the week, as you work on these deals, you need to update their status and push the updates back into HubSpot weekly. To ensure that all deals are updated in your HubSpot instance, you will want to schedule this export to run on Monday at 6 a.m. before the team starts a new week.
ℹ️ NOTE: When scheduling an Export to HubSpot, you can either use an existing mapping (sample below) or create a new one. If you are using an existing mapping, We recommend reviewing the mapped fields before scheduling. This will help prevent to mitigate any errors and help the process run smoothly.
See our article Export to HubSpot to learn more!
To update and schedule your existing Export to HubSpot, follow the steps below.
1. From the Coefficient sidebar, select an existing Export mapping(”Update: deals”) ℹ️ NOTE: Export mappings can be found under the “Exports” section in the sidebar, click on the “Export…” button in the Header, OR click on an import that was also used for an Export and select the “Export” option.
2. The sidebar will show the mapping details for that Export. Scroll down and click the “Edit” link under the “Export Schedule” section.
3. Select the Export Schedule frequency desired. (Example: Every Monday at 6 a.m.).
4. Rows to export: You have the option to export “All rows on sheet” or “Select specific rows on sheet”. |
ℹ️ NOTE: If you select the option for “Specific rows on sheet”, you will be prompted to highlight the rows on your sheet you want to export. |
ℹ️ NOTE: After selecting rows to export, you will see “## rows will be exported”. If you need to edit this, click on “Change selection”. |
Confirm your settings BEFORE you commit to these changes. These actions cannot be undone!
6. Congratulations on scheduling your Export to HubSpot! 🎊
Scheduled Export to SQL DB
SCENARIO: Keeping MySQL database updated with important customer information and pushing updates from the week on Fridays at 6 pm.
ℹ️ NOTE: When scheduling an Export to SQL DB, you can either use an existing mapping (sample below) or create a new one. If you are using an existing mapping, We recommend reviewing the mapped fields prior to scheduling. This will help prevent to mitigate any errors and help the process run smoothly.
See our article Export to SQL DB to learn more!
To update and schedule your existing Export to SQL DB, follow the steps below.
2. The sidebar will show the mapping details for that Export. Scroll down and click the “Edit” link under the “Export Schedule” section. |
3. Select the Export Schedule frequency desired (Example: every Friday at 6 p.m.).
ℹ️ NOTE: We highly recommend adding at least a 2-hour gap between your Scheduled Import(s) and any Scheduled Export to your DB. This will ensure that the data coming from your DB is completely up to date before pushing the data back to your DB via export. This also helps prevent incorrect data from being written to your DB.
4. Rows to export: You have the option to export “All rows on sheet” or “Select specific rows on sheet”.
ℹ️ NOTE: If you select the option for “Specific rows on sheet”, you will be prompted to highlight the rows on your sheet you want to export.
ℹ️ NOTE: After selecting rows to export, you will see “## rows will be exported”. If you need to edit this, click on “Change selection”. |
Confirm your settings BEFORE you commit to these changes. These actions cannot be undone!
6. Congratulations on scheduling your Export to SQL! 🥂
Export to with a Condition Column
SCENARIO: Sometimes you may want to Export data back to the source (Salesforce or SQL) based on a specific condition being met or logic in place.
Below we would like to automatically update the “return_date_field” in our database for all the film rentals returned for the week, with the use of the import below from MySQL (film_rentals_rental) - we will schedule the export to run on Mondays at 7 a.m. (before the import is scheduled to refresh). In column H, we have added a formula column named "Returned?" which returns "TRUE" if there is a date value in column E. The formula used is =ISDATE(E3). We will configure the Scheduled Export to push the updates only if the value of column H is "TRUE".
ℹ️ NOTE: When scheduling an Export, you can either use an existing mapping (sample below) or create a new one. If you are using an existing mapping, We recommend reviewing the mapped fields prior to scheduling. This will help prevent to mitigate any errors and help the process run smoothly.
To schedule your export based on a specific condition, follow the steps below.
1. From the Coefficient sidebar, select an existing Export mapping (”Update: film_rentals_rental”) under the "Exports" section. ℹ️ NOTE: Export mappings can be found under the “Exports” header in the sidebar, click on the “Export…” button in the Header, OR click on an import that was also used for an Export and select the “Export” option.
2. The sidebar will show the mapping details for that Export. Scroll down and click the “Edit” link under the “Export Schedule” section. |
3. Select the Export Schedule frequency desired (Example: every Monday at 7 a.m.).
ℹ️ NOTE: We highly recommend adding at least a 2-hour gap between your Scheduled Import(s) and any Scheduled Export to Salesforce. This will ensure that the data coming from Salesforce is completely up to date before pushing the data back to Salesforce via export. This also helps prevent incorrect data from being written to your Salesforce org. |
4. Rows to export: You have the option to export “All rows on sheet” or “Select specific rows on sheet”.
ℹ️ NOTE: If you select the option for “Specific rows on sheet”, you will be prompted to highlight the rows on your sheet you want to export.
ℹ️ NOTE: After selecting rows to export, you will see “## rows will be exported”. If you need to edit this, click on “Change selection”. |
5. Select “All rows on sheet”, Enable the “Conditional column” box, and select the conditional column (”Returned?”). This tells Coefficient to update all the rows based on a condition of a specific column.
ℹ️ NOTE: We recommend double-checking the logic/conditions and values in your sheet prior to saving this Scheduled Export. 👀 🔍
6. Congratulations on scheduling your export to MySQL based on a condition! 🤯
FAQs for Scheduled Exports
Which integrations are supported with Scheduled Exports?
Currently, Scheduled Exports are supported for Salesforce, MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL. Please reach out to support ( if there is an integration you would like to request to support this feature.
How can I schedule my Export to INSERT, UPSERT, or DELETE records with Salesforce or SQL?
Currently, Coefficient supports the UPDATE action for scheduled exports to Salesforce and both UPDATE and UPSERT actions for SQL exports.
Can I schedule exports using Excel?
Scheduled Exports are not currently supported on Excel. If you have further questions, please contact our support team at
What timezone is used for Scheduled Exports?
Scheduled exports run on the timezone of the user’s machine that scheduled them. Example: If you Schedule your Export to Salesforce for 9 am daily (Pacific Time), Coefficient will push the updates to Salesforce at 9 am Pacific Time. The team on Eastern Time will see these updates at 12 pm ET.
What kind of logic can I use with my Export with Condition Column?
Coefficient currently supports the value of “TRUE” in the condition column. If you use a different value the Export will not work.