Coefficient's NetSuite integration is designed to supercharge your workflows and streamline your business operations like never before. With this powerful integration, you can seamlessly connect your NetSuite account with Coefficient, unlocking a world of possibilities for enhanced efficiency, productivity, and collaboration.
Whether you manage finances, track inventory, or streamline customer relationships, our NetSuite integration empowers you to do it all from within Coefficient's intuitive platform. Say goodbye to manual data entry and tedious toggling between systems – and hello to a seamless, unified experience that simplifies your day-to-day tasks and accelerates your business growth.
Configuring NetSuite OAuth (For NetSuite Administrators Only)
Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations
Configuring NetSuite OAuth (For NetSuite Administrators Only)
ℹ️ NOTE: To use this feature, Your NetSuite Admin must first configure the NetSuite OAUTH for your domain.
1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the Menu. |
2. Select “Connected Sources”. |
3. Select "Add Connection" at the bottom and then "Connect" to NetSuite. |
4. From here, select the "Configure" link below. |
5. You will be redirected to our NetSuite OAuth configuration page. |
6. Log into your Netsuite account and copy the Account ID from the URL. Then, toggle back to the NetSuite OAuth configuration page for Coefficient and enter your Account ID in the field provided. Click Next to proceed.
ℹ️ EXAMPLE: URL: The ID is tstdrv1394275.7. Click on "Download (.zip)" to download the RESTLet script. Open the file and unzip it. You will need this script later for step 10 below. 8. Open the Configuration Steps and follow the detailed instructions. Trust us - you will need this!
(You will come back to this screen once the configuration in the NetSuite UI is complete)9. Next, you will need to enable a few settings for Coefficient. Toggle back to your NetSuite account and click Setup -> Company -> Enable Features. Then click on SuiteCloud.10. Under "SuiteScript" check the boxes for Client Suitescript and Server Suite Script. 11. Scroll down and under "SuiteTalk(Web Services)" check the box for "REST WEB SERVICES".12. Under "Manage Authentication", check the box for OAuth 2.0. Then scroll down to Save.
13. Now, you will need to configure the RESTLet in your NetSuite account. In NetSuite, click on Customization -> Scripting -> Scripts -> New.
14. Hover to the right of the SCRIPT FILE and click the "+" to add new.15. Provide a File Name (REQUIRED).
🛑 The File Name is REQUIRED and MUST end with ".js"; otherwise, you will encounter an Internal Server Error. 🛑16. Now, you will need to select the RESTLet script file you downloaded from Coefficient (back in Step 7). The file should end with .js. If the file was downloaded as a .zip file, it must be unzipped BEFORE you can attach it.
(Example: NetSuiteCoefficient.js)
🛑 The RESTLet script MUST end with ".js". The File MUST be unzipped to work with Coefficient.
(.zip will not work)🛑17. Check the box for "Company-wide usage" then click Save.18. Click on Create Script Record19. Name your Script (REQUIRED), then click the arrow on the Save button and select the option to "Save and Deploy".20. On the Script Deployment screen, update the Status to "Released" and the Log Level to "Debug." Make sure that you check the all boxes/enable this for all Roles, Groups, Employees, etc., making sure to highlight each Department. DON'T FORGET TO click Save.
ℹ️ NOTE: The following standard roles have the SuiteAnalytics Workbook Log In using access tokens and REST Web Services permissions assigned by default. Please click here for more information.
ℹ️ NOTE: If you create a new role or use an existing custom role/standard role that does not have the required permissions (by default), you can assign the permissions manually.
💡How to Assign the Required Permissions to a User's Role:
21. The next screen will contain your External URL. Copy this URL22. Navigate back to the Coefficient Netsuite OAuth Screen. Check the box "I have configured in Netsuite." Click Next.
23. Paste the External URL (copied in step 21) into the field provided. Then click Save.ℹ️ NOTE: If you receive an error here, please return to the NetSuite Script Deployment screen, confirm you copied the entire URL, and try adding it to this field again.
You will see a confirmation on your screen that the URL was saved. |
24. Congratulations on setting up your NetSuite OAuth with Coefficient! 🤩
Connecting to NetSuite
1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the Menu. |
2. Select "Connected Sources". |
3. Select "Add Connection" at the bottom and then "Connect" to NetSuite. |
4. Select your Account and click Authorize. |
5. You will be redirected to a NetSuite login page to enter your credentials. Review the permissions and click Continue.
6. Once confirmed, you will be redirected back to Coefficient to begin your first import with NetSuite.
Import from NetSuite
There are several ways to import data from NetSuite. Let's go through each one!
- Records & Lists
- Datasets
- Saved Searches
- SuiteQL Query
Records & Lists
1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the “Import from…” button. |
2. Select "NetSuite" from the list. |
3. Select "Records & Lists".
4. The Import Preview window opens, allowing you to select Records or Lists. Select either Record or List, and then pick one of the options that appear below. (Example: Records -> Account)5. Select/Unselect the fields you need for your import on the left side of the Import Preview window. The data preview section updates as you change your settings (the first 50 rows of data are shown). You can drag and drop column headers to change their order in your import. You can further customize your import by adding filters, sorts, and limits here as well. When done, click "Import".
6. Congratulations on your successful Records & Lists import with NetSuite. 🎉
1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the “Import from…” button. |
2. Select "NetSuite" from the list. |
3. Select "Datasets". |
4. The Import Preview window opens, showing available Datasets to select from. Select the Dataset and click Next to continue. (Example: Sales(Invoiced) - POC Sales Report)
5. Select/Unselect the fields you need for your import on the left side of the Import Preview window. The data preview section updates as you make changes to your settings (the first 50 rows of data are shown). You can drag and drop column headers to change their order in your import. You can further customize your import by limits here as well. When done, click "Import". 6. Congratulations on your successful Dataset import with NetSuite. 🎉
Saved Searches
1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the “Import from…” button. |
2. Select "NetSuite" from the list. |
3. Select "Saved Searches". |
4. The Import Preview window opens, showing available Saved Searches to select from. Select the Saved Search and click Next to continue. (Example: Item Serial Numbers)5. Select/Unselect the fields you need for your import on the left side of the Import Preview window. The data preview section updates as you change your settings (the first 50 rows of data are shown). You can drag and drop column headers to change their order in your import. You can further customize your import by limits here as well. When done, click "Import".
6. Congratulations on your successful Saved Searches import with NetSuite. 🎉
SuiteQL Query
1. Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on the “Import from…” button. |
2. Select "NetSuite" from the list. |
3. Select "SuiteQL Query". |
4. The Import Preview window pops up; you can add your SuiteQL Query query in the blue text area provided. Click the "Refresh Preview" button when adding the query for the first time or if you have made any changes to see the updated sample data. (Only the first 50 rows of data are shown in the data preview section.)
ℹ️ Click here to learn more about SuiteQL Query Syntax.5. Make sure to give your import a name, then hit "Import".6. Congratulations on your successful SuiteQL Query import with NetSuite. 🎉
Updating your RESTLet Script
You may see a warning in the sidebar indicating that your RESTLet Script requires an update. Coefficient displays this warning if it detects that you are using an outdated version of the script, which needs to be updated to ensure the best possible Coefficient/NetSuite experience. |
ℹ️ NOTE: You will need your NetSuite Admin's assistance updating your RESTLet Script.
1. Click on the "Manage in Workspace" link within the warning message in the Coefficient sidebar. |
2. The Coefficient NetSuite OAuth screen will load, prompting you to download the new script zip file. Remember to unzip the downloaded file and check the box confirming you have done so. |
3. Next, configure the new script in the NetSuite UI. (Refer to steps 13-21 above).
4. Return to the Coefficient NetSuite OAuth screen and paste the entire External URL into the space provided. Don't forget to save. |
5. You should see a confirmation on your screen if the configuration was successfully updated. If you encounter an error, ensure that you unzipped the script file, that the file name and script names are correct, and that you pasted the entire External URL into the space provided. |
6. Refresh your Coefficient import(s), and the warning should disappear. 🎉
Schedule your Import, Snapshots, and Add Automations
Once you have pulled your data into your sheet using Coefficient, you can set up the following:
FAQs for NetSuite
How can I use this integration with my personal account (
Coefficient NetSuite's integration supports domain addresses only. (Gmail is not supported). If you have questions, please contact support (
How can I import a workbook/report from NetSuite using Coefficient?
NetSuite Workbooks/Reports are not supported due to API limitations. As a workaround, you can recreate these Workbooks/Reports as a Dataset or Saved Search, then import using Coefficient. Please reach out to to request this feature.
Can I use Coefficient SQL Builder (using AI) to pull in records from NetSuite?
SQL Builder is not currently supported with our NetSuite integration. Please reach out to to request this feature.
I want to add filters/sorts to my Saved Search/Dataset. How do I do that?
Coefficient supports filter/sort on Records. Filtering and sorting on Saved Searches and Datasets are currently not supported.
My NetSuite Dataset import is showing IDs instead of values. How can I fix this so the values show up?
I am running a SuiteQL Query and expecting 150K results, but it only pulls in 100K. How can I do this?
NetSuite limits the number of records returned on a SuiteQL Query to 100K. As a workaround, we suggest adding a filter to your query to pull in the first 100K results and then creating a second query with additional filters to pull in the remaining results. For more information on this limitation, click here.
I have 40 NetSuite imports scheduled for refresh at 9 am Pacific Time, and only 35 are refreshing at a time. How can I fix this?
NetSuite accounts with no SuiteCloud Plus licenses are limited to a maximum of 15 RESTLet API calls simultaneously. With each SuiteCloud Plus license added to your account, an additional 10 is added. So if I have 2 SuiteCloud Plus licenses within my org, my limit is 35 RESTLet API calls at one time (For those who love math, it is(15+(2X10))). You must adjust your import refresh schedules to stagger them to account for this API limitation or add additional SuiteCloudPlus licenses with NetSuite.
Are there any custom field types that Coefficient's Netsuite integration does not support?
ℹ️ NOTE: ** Date/Time fields will only be imported as Date fields.
🛑 Due to a limitation with the SuiteQL Rest API, the fields highlighted in RED (left) are not supported by Coefficient.🛑
I have an import with identical column names; how will they appear in my NetSuite import?
When there are identical column names in a SuiteQL query run by the user, Coefficient will have different column labels with underscores attached. The user must update one of the column names using the keyword "as".